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AU Campaign to End Child Marriage in Africa | Dr. Nkosazana Dhlamini Zuma called for practical action to end child marriage at

AU Campaign to End Child Marriage in Africa

Dr. Nkosazana Dhlamini Zuma called for practical action to end child marriage at the AU Summit.

“Looking ahead, our theme for 2015 is the Year of Women’s Empowerment and Development towards Agenda 2063. Over the last few days, in a series of pre-Summit meetings of women, with participation from civil society, our Ministers of Gender, gender focal points of RECs, our partners in the ADB, UNECA, UN Women and UNDP met to consider the theme and the Beijing plus 20 process.
They discussed the practical actions required to ensure that during this focus year, we make a difference in the lives of many African women, through practical initiatives in agriculture and agro-processing; science, technology, innovation and education; business development and financial inclusion; health and reproductive rights, and our campaigns against gender-based violence, sexual violence in conflicts and child marriages”.…/statement-chairperson-african-union….

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