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child marriage Chelsea Clinton & our Fraidy Reiss: “Not giving up”

ending child marriage

“I know that you’re not giving up until child marriage is banned everywhere,” Chelsea Clinton recently told our founder/executive director, Fraidy Reiss (see video below).

Absolutely not. We at Unchained have helped to ban marriage before age 18 in six U.S. states over the last three years, but this human rights abuse remains legal in most of the U.S.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Let’s raise $50k in the last 50 days of 2021, so we can continue leading the national movement to end child marriage in all 50 U.S. states. (Amount raised to date: $10,260. We’re off to a good start!)

Every donation you make before December 31, 2021, will double in value, thanks to a dollar-for-dollar match from a generous donor.

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Nada Alahdal Nada Foundation for helping girls

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