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Nada Foundation

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CCMWMC | Diane is a Staffing Agency and the founder of the

Constituency Child Marriage Watch-Munali Chapter

Diane is a Staffing Agency and the founder of the non-profit organization Renewed Strength.

Diane as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse she more then anyone understands the importance of TALK (Thank them for telling you, Ask how you can help, Listen without judgment, Keep supporting) it wasn’t until she started her journey of healing that she discovered there were minimal resources for adult survivors for that exact reason she decided to start RENEWED-STRENGTH

The statistics show that one out of four girls and one out of six boys are sexually abused every 11 minutes. Knowing those number could aggressively climb she couldn’t not sit idle and watch.

She believes if she focus with adults healing first can help educate the public, your own families and advocate for change.
Tune in on Sunday @16:00 live on this page !!

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