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CCMWMC | Part 1- How to report a case I know the first reaction

Constituency Child Marriage Watch-Munali Chapter

Part 1- How to report a case
I know the first reaction one would have is to bath the child ❎ or report to family ❎
Family will stop u from reporting to the police , saying its a family matter and this has swept many cases under the carpet and left the perpetrator free..This is a criminal matter and it must be treated as one !!

First step !!
1. Take the child direct to the Police station (VSU), dnt bath her because you will wash away the evidence ???? A Docket must be opened . The Officer must escort u to the clinic in order to get control samples which is used as evidence.
2. Obtain a medical report from the police officer (free) and take to the clinic so the doctor can write down findings.The Medical personnel will help determine the presence of sermean in a child .
3. Take the medical form back to the police for them to secure a conviction with the help of the NPA.
Note you can also make use of the One Stop Centres available at hospitals and clinics.
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