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Nada Foundation

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TECMN | Amendment and implementation of Children’s Laws that protect the rights and welfare of m

Tanzania Ending Child Marriage Network – TECMN

Amendment and implementation of Children’s Laws that protect the rights and welfare of the child. It will help reduce and completely eliminate child marriage in Tanzania.

Plan International Tanzania Girl Initiative UNICEF TANZANIA UNFPA Tanzania Road Center Children’s Dignity Forum – CDF Legal and Human Rights Centre Girls Not Brides

Image may contain: text that says '" Failure to comply with the Court of Appeal ruling furthers the possibility of child marriage.  Parliamentarians have a responsibility to ensure that they oversee the government in fulfilling their responsibilities, as they have a constitutional obligation to require the government to submit a Marriage Amendment Bill to parliament through the Attorney General and the relevant ministries.  Rebeca Gyumi GIRL DOESN'T HAVE #MusMyPresolations'

Do you support child marriage?

Nada Foundation

Nada Al Ahdal

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