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AU Campaign to End Child Marriage in Africa | A message from UN Women! Ending child marriage, is our call!

AU Campaign to End Child Marriage in Africa

A message from UN Women! Ending child marriage, is our call!

Happy #OrangeDay!

This month on #OrangeDay we’re highlighting violence against the girl child.

Girls play many roles in the household, society and economy, yet are discriminated against from the earliest stages of life, throughout childhood. This can hold back their progress, prevent them from enjoying their rights and make them more likely to face violence.

Violence against girls takes place in the home, the classroom, on the way to school, and online. Millions of girls are subjected to “harmful practices” including female genital mutilation, and early, forced and child marriage. Violence against girls has immediate and long-term… More

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Nada Foundation

Nada Al Ahdal

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