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child marriage We met our $50k goal – so let’s get to $75k!

ending child marriage

With two weeks left to go, thanks to you, we’ve already passed our goal of raising $50,000 in the last 50 days of the year to help end child marriage in all 50 states!

So we’re officially upping our goal to $75,000 by the end of the year. Can you help us meet our new goal, so we can continue leading the growing national movement to eliminate child marriage in every U.S. state and at the federal level? Every dollar you donate from now until December 31 will double in value, thanks to a match from a generous donor.

“I hope that as people are looking to invest into addressing child marriage within the U.S., they do think of Unchained At Last as a major player and partner,” UNICEF’s Nankali Maksud told our Fraidy Reiss.

“Without the work Unchained At Last has done, in terms of evidence collection and in terms of being the voice for child marriage in the United States, many of us just wouldn’t know,” Nankali explained. (Watch Nankali and Fraidy’s conversations in these short clips).

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Nada Alahdal Nada Foundation for helping girls

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