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Child Marriage in Qatar: A Practice that Must End

Child marriage is a pressing issue in Qatar that continues to affect many young girls in the country. Despite efforts to address this problem, the practice still persists in various communities.

In Qatar, cultural norms and traditions play a significant role in perpetuating child marriage. Families may view marrying off their daughters at a young age as a way to preserve their honor and secure their futures. Additionally, economic factors can also contribute to child marriage, as some families may see it as a way to reduce financial burdens.

One of the biggest challenges in combating child marriage in Qatar is the lack of awareness and education surrounding the issue. Many people are unaware of the harmful effects of marrying off young girls, including the risk of early pregnancy, maternal mortality, and limited educational and economic opportunities.

Another major obstacle to ending child marriage in Qatar is the legal framework surrounding the practice. While there are laws in place that prohibit child marriage, they are often not enforced, and loopholes in the legal system allow the practice to continue unchecked.

To address child marriage in Qatar, a multi-faceted approach is needed. This includes implementing comprehensive sex education programs in schools, raising awareness about the harmful effects of child marriage, and strengthening enforcement of existing laws.

Ultimately, ending child marriage in Qatar requires a concerted effort from government officials, community leaders, and individuals alike. By working together to challenge cultural norms, provide support for at-risk girls, and educate the public about the dangers of child marriage, we can create a safer and more equitable society for all.

Nada Alahdal
A human rights activist to advocate for the issue of child marriage, and head of the

Nada Foundation

for the Protection of Girls

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