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Ghana Ends Child Marriage | ”Every day, when I talk to young people in Gwollu they tell me they w

Ghana Ends Child Marriage

”Every day, when I talk to young people in Gwollu they tell me they want to be doctors, nurses and teachers but many of them are unable to achieve their dream, Child labour, teenage pregnancy and child marriage affect children here. But I always tell them life is too precious to be destroyed. I say to them that people have been through very bad things and have succeeded so why can’t they?”

Meet Mavis Badigbawuna, she is a peer educator with the Centre for Development Initiatives working to end child marriage and child abuse in Gwollu in the Upper West region. As today marks International Day of the Girl, we would like to acknowledge her efforts in helping curb child marriage in her region. Mavis is an example of an empowered girl helping to bring change in her community. Let’s continue to encourage girls like Mavis to be change agents in our society.
#EndChildMarriage #EmpowertheNextGeneration

Thanks for the picture ???? UNICEF Ghana

UNFPA GHANA UNICEF Ghana Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection ActionAid Ghana Koica Ghana Office
UNDP Ghana Girls Not Brides Community Development Alliance – CDA, Ghana Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana & Friends NNEKA YOUTH Foundation Plan International Ghana

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