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TECMN | “FGM should become a history in Tanzania. We as a government are well prepared a

Tanzania Ending Child Marriage Network – TECMN

“FGM should become a history in Tanzania. We as a government are well prepared and all those who do not want to stop it will be forced to stop, As a government, we can’t afford to see such acts continuing to happen. It is not something to be proud of ”. The Permanent Secretary(PS) in the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children,(MoHCDEC) Ms Sihaba Nkinga, said so during her visit at Children’s Dignity Forum – CDF office and its supported programs in Mara region. The PS was also accompanied by the Director of Children and other ministerial representatives. She urged all communities still embracing the outdated harmful practices to stop it and pledging government’s continued cooperation with partners to curb FGM.

FORWARD UK UNFPA Tanzania UNICEF TANZANIA Plan Int Tanzania Tanzania Media Women’s Association – TAMWAMenEngage AllianceAjenda ya Watoto – Children’s AgendaComic Relief Ummy Mwalimu


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