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TECMN | Permanent Secretary from the #MoHCDEC Mrs Sihaba Nkinga has urged girls who hav

Tanzania Ending Child Marriage Network – TECMN

Permanent Secretary from the #MoHCDEC Mrs Sihaba Nkinga has urged girls who have been trained on the effects of FGM at ATFGM-Masanga center in Tarime District to be good ambassadors in the fight against FGM and other harmful traditional practices. This was said yesterday during her visit at Children’s Dignity Forum – CDF office in Tarime.

FORWARD UKAjenda ya Watoto – Children’s AgendaPlan TanzaniaHigh Commission of Canada to TanzaniaGraça Machel TrustSonke Gender JusticeMenEngage AllianceUNFPA Tanzania Comic ReliefSwedish International Development Cooperation Agency.


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