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Ghana Ends Child Marriage | Children are referred to as the future because they are. They have rights and re

Ghana Ends Child Marriage

Children are referred to as the future because they are. They have rights and responsibilities as well as hopes and fears.

Child marriage snatches the precious gift of childhood and pushes them into the world of adulthood without any form of preparation.

In communities where child marriage is rife, the fear of children especially girls who reach the stage of puberty is so strong especially when they hear and see their friends and classmates being given off in marriage or pregnant. They know that they are next in line if nothing is done to prevent it.

June 1 is #InternationalChildrensDay! Let’s stop all forms of abuse against children and do all we can to ensure that they thrive in a healthy and safe environment! Let’s fight to end #childmarriage. Let’s leave no child behind.
Happy Children’s Day!

Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection UNICEF Ghana Child Rights International, Ghana

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