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child marriage 1/18/2020 We just helped to end child marriage in the Virgin Islands!

ending child marriage

WE DID IT! We just helped to end child marriage in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Gov. Albert Bryan just signed Sen. Javan James’ bill that we at Unchained had relentlessly promoted to end all marriage before 18 in the U.S. Virgin Islands. You will recall we even took one for the team last October and traveled to St. Thomas (someone’s gotta do it!) to meet one-on-one with legislators and testify in support of Bill #33-0109.

Now two U.S. states (Delaware and New Jersey) and two territories (Virgin Islands and American Samoa) have eliminated this human rights abuse that destroys girls’ lives. Just 48 states and three territories to go …

We couldn’t lead the national movement to end child marriage without your support. Thank you for following/liking/sharing us on social media, heeding our calls to action and supporting us financially.

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Nada Alahdal Nada Foundation for helping girls

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