This film tells the story of 15-year-old Maya and her husband, Buddha in Nepal. Once married Maya was forced to drop out of school. Inaccessible by road, her village has received very minimal support following the April earthquake.
Young community volunteers in earthquake-affected areas have joined Plan International’s mobile team – and are determined to reach children and their families who have received little-to-no humanitarian support since the April earthquake.
Plan International’s mobile team learned that Maya wasn’t attending school and spoke to her, Buddha and his parents.
In September 2015, Maya was allowed back to school.
In the last six months, Plan International’s 59 mobile outreach teams have provided counselling support and disseminate life-saving information and key messaging to thousands of children and adults across earthquake-impacted areas.
Read Plan International’s latest report on why children get married and what we can do about it #endchildmarriage