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The 21st Century Successful Man Outlook When It Comes to Fatherhood and Marriage

Many successful men that are at the stage of life in which they would like to “settle down” look at what is ahead of them and it is not a pretty picture. Financially it can be hazardous. Also the social mating culture has changed since their parents got married. Because of this, the more a successful man becomes, the less he would want to get married and have children the traditional way. Ahead is why.

Any successful man that has accumulated assets over his single life has to think twice about “tying the knot” if your living in a community state. Living in Florida, I was surprised that when I sold my condo, my wife also had to sign off on the documents because we were married. I purchased with my own money and some financing, the condo before we were married and during the time we lived in the condo, about 10 years, I made all the payments. My wife did not pay one bill. Electric me, cable me, real estate taxes me, assessments me, etc. But when we closed on the sale of the condo, there were two names on the check, mine and my wife’s. This is not for just real estate but for any asset. It is all 50/50.

Another thing for a successful man to consider is having children. We all know that if there is a divorce, the woman will get the kids. Child support in Florida is calculated by the amounts of income the two parents take home. The parent that takes home more money pays the greater amount. For example, if the ex-husband’s take home pay is $4000 per month and the ex-wife’s take home pay is $1000 per month, the ex-husband will pay four times the amount in child support than the ex-wife. But at the same time the husband will get custody of the children about four times less than the ex-wife.

This scenario is completely reversed when the man is a “loser”. This person does not have any assets to worry about. Most likely when it comes to work, they are the ones that bounce from one job to another. They always have an excuse to leave a job. Boss was too nasty, commute too long, no paid holidays, hours too long, not enough pay, etc. They have no interest in working it is just a front to proclaim that they are working, Everyone knows that all they want is to be is a professional couch potato.

This article focuses on the desired men in the dating pool. The ones with drive and ambition. These men unfortunately have been put into a corner. The questions they now have are, “Why should I get married?” and “Should I have kids?”. I have encountered men that have been on the losing end of this situation, and they have been scarred for life. They barely see their children because the wife alienated the father for whatever reason. Their net worth also has suffered greatly, leaving a shell of a man. This is happening everyday, it is effecting many children, and the system has to change. Because if you extend this scenario to its nth degree. We can eventually can have a future in which every successful male will decide to just date women and never marry. They may refrain from having intercourse for the fear of pregnancy. In the case of a having children, they can choose to go to their local IVF clinic and dial up a test tube baby with them being the sole custodian. It is cheaper and more rewarding to them because they won’t be supporting their children full time with only seeing them part time. Then what ladies?

Source by Richard Ovejero

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